Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wow--Celebrity Wednesday with Tina Turner

Tina at 70 has kept her weight remarkably stable by not eating after 6 pm and drinking lots of water and exercising by dancing. "I'm an American size 10, which I think in the UK is 14 - that has remained constant."

"I don't abuse myself with sweets, sugars, cakes and fat. I eat healthily. The pleasure of life is dinner."

"I eat a breakfast of banana, kiwi and melon, and brown German bread. I only have two meals a day because I sleep for a very long time." Of course, a consistent exercise program works wonders such as "walking 10 miles up and down stairs at home."

Her mental attitude is young and thats what keeps her that way. "Women should be proud of who they are at any stage in their lives. If you look good and can still do it, then do it.

Common sense rules:

(1) Cut out sugar where you can. Don't ban treats completely but stick to a few squares of quality dark chocolate after dinner.

( 2) Plump for protein power: Eat more fish, chicken, nuts and pulses. Research shows that proteins such as these will keep you feeling fuller for longer than carbs.

(3) Eat more good fats: The essential Omega-3 fats in oily fish such as mackerel and salmon protect your heart and boost the condition of your skin and hair. Aim for two servings a week.

( 4) Fill up on fibre. Replace white, high GI carbs (bread, rice, pasta) with low GI wholemeal or brown versions where possible.

(5) Reduce your alcohol intake but you can allow yourself a small glass of red wine with dinner.

Here's some common sense ideas . . .

Banana smoothie plus two oatcakes and peanut butter Grilled mushrooms and large tomato on granary toast Porridge made with semi-skimmed milk and blueberries Fruit salad with low-fat yoghurt and handful of chopped nuts Poached egg on granary toast


Jacket potato with cottage cheese and spring onions - no butter Chicken with salsa, mixed canned beans and salad in a wholemeal wrap Sardines on granary toast Chunky vegetable soup with granary roll Tuna salad with a boiled egg and olive oil dressing


Grilled lamb cutlets with baked sweet potato and steamed veg Lean grilled steak with mixed bean salad and steamed asparagus Grilled chicken with oven roasted vegetables and lemon cous cous Salmon with soy sauce and stir-fried vegetables Lean mince chilli con carne served with whole grain rice


An apple Two plums 10 red grapes Celery and carrot sticks with houmous Glass of purple grape juice Handful of almonds Two oatcakes with peanut butter Small low-fat yoghurt pot

Be your own private dancer!

As Tina proves, dancing is a fabulous way to keep those legs looking luscious. Not only does it burn 400-600 calories per hour, it won't bulk you up like some workouts, which is why a typical dancer's body includes long, lean legs. Pick your favourite style, from salsa to rock 'n' roll, and get moving. For great results, you really need to dance for 45-60 minutes, three times a week.

Brush it off

Body brushing is the best cellulite-buster for dimplefree thighs. It sloughs away dead skin cells and gets your circulation pumping.

Brush every morning in the shower. Try Body Shop Round Body Brush, £7.

Ditch salt

Too much salt is bad for your legs, as it causes water retention, leaving pins feeling heavy and sluggish.

Cutting down will decrease excess fluid and reduce swollen ankles.

Fake it

Self-tan will make legs appear instantly slimmer and more shapely. Try Ambre Solaire No Streaks Bronzer Self-Tan Body Wipes, £2.34 from

Get well-heeled

Very high heels can make the muscles in your calf and thigh tense up and look bulky, so opt for a medium two to three-inch heel to subtly elongate legs.

Be the best - whatever your age

The main reason Tina can still pull off those microminis is because she has the confidence to try. Here's how to do the same...

Be brave: Dress for your style and shape first and your age second. Just because you're no longer 20, if you've great legs or upper arms you shouldn't hide them.

Command a room when you walk into it. Hold your head up. Make eye contact with everyone there. Wear an easy smile and walk calmly, slowly and with purpose.

Update your wardrobe: Wearing old trends will age you, so keep up with the latest fashion by buying at least one key piece each season that suits your style and your body shape.

Fight gravity: Everything drops as we age, so fake your way back to your 18-year-old body with the latest control underwear that lifts, holds and tucks things into their original place. Debenhams has a great range.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

What Does the Mother of the Groom Wear?

How exciting--another wedding and another dilemma. What exactly does the Mother of the Groom wear. Well, of course, you want to look your best, but you want to be comfortable too! To a mother, a son’s wedding day is sure to be one of her most cherished memories. For me, long is much more flattering. For one, I am so active that I am, forever, ending up with bruises on my legs especially from working in the garden. So, here are two favorites from Savvy and Sixty--

The first is available from Nordstrom. com and the second from Lord and Taylor.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

With all of the Hurricane Hype, I couldn't help but search out some funky rainwear. I have never been a fan of these wellie type boots but took them for granted. Then some visitors from Florida commented on them, so thought I would feature them. All of the above boots are on sale for about $26--not too bad to stay dry in fashion. Be safe!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Not So Fun-Friday

What is a hurricane?
A hurricane is a huge storm! It can be up to 600 miles across and have strong winds spiraling inward and upward at speeds of 75 to 200 mph. Each hurricane usually lasts for over a week, moving 10-20 miles per hour over the open ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power. Hurricanes rotate in a counter-clockwise direction around an "eye." The center of the storm or "eye" is the calmest part. It has only light winds and fair weather. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and large waves can damage buildings, trees and cars.

If you live an area that's prone to hurricanes, then an emergency kit can be a big help for you. An emergency kit is designed to give you all the basic things you need to survive and be safe, from a way to get clean water for yourself to first aid kits and other helpful tools.

How do hurricanes form?
Hurricanes only form over really warm ocean water of 80°F or warmer. The atmosphere (the air) must cool off very quickly the higher you go. Also, the wind must be blowing in the same direction and at the same speed to force air upward from the ocean surface. Winds flow outward above the storm allowing the air below to rise. Hurricanes typically form between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator. The Coriolis Force is needed to create the spin in the hurricane and it becomes too weak near the equator, so hurricanes can never form there.

What is storm surge?
Storm surges are frequently the most devastating element of a hurricane. As a hurricane’s winds spiral around and around the storm, they push water into a mound at the storm’s center. This mound of water becomes dangerous when the storm reaches land because it causes flooding along the coast. The water piles up, unable to escape anywhere but on land as the storm carries it landward. A hurricane will cause more storm surge in areas where the ocean floor slopes gradually. This causes major flooding.
As you watch the storm-surge animations, notice the effect that the physical geography of each coastline has on storm surge. Also, note the waves on top of the ocean's surface. Wind, waves, and sea-level rise all contribute to storm-surge damage.
Shallow-Water Coastline

Deep-Water Coastline

With technology the way it is, there are computer models that allow forecasters to predict the amount of storm surge that will affect a coastal area. These are called Slosh Models and take into account a storm’s strength, its path, how the ocean shallows, and the shape of the land. Then it calculates how much storm surge a hurricane will probably cause.

When does hurricane season start?
The Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30, but most hurricanes occur during the fall months. The Eastern Pacific hurricane season is from May 15 to November 30. (Below is a graphic that shows you when hurricanes are most active across parts of the world.)

Who names hurricanes?
From 1950 to 1952, tropical cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean were identified by the phonetic alphabet (Able-Baker-Charlie-etc.), but in 1953 the US Weather Bureau switched to women's names. The rest of the world eventually caught on, and naming rights now go by the World Meteorological Organization, which uses different sets of names depending on the part of the world the storm is in. Around the U.S., only women's names were used until 1979, when it was decided that they should alternate a list that included men's names too. There's 6 different name lists that alternate each year. If a hurricane does significant damage, its name is retired and replaced with another.
Atlantic Hurricane Names
Eastern Pacific Hurricane Names

What is the difference between a hurricane and a typhoon?
Nothing except geography. Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and except for their names, they are essentially the same type of storm. In the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Eastern Pacific Ocean, they are called hurricanes. In the Western Pacific Ocean, they are called typhoons. In the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and Australia, these types of storms are called cyclones.

(This is a satellite animation of Hurricane Georges, which struck the Mississippi Gulf coast in 1998.)

Who are the "Hurricane Hunters"?
The brave "hurricane hunters" work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Each mission lasts about ten hours, with the crews passing four to six times through the storm. The planes carry radar, sophisticated computers, and weather instruments that determine characteristics such as temperature, air pressure, wind speed, and wind direction inside the hurricane. The crews also release instruments that measure temperature, air pressure, and wind at different levels as the devices drop through the hurricane toward the ocean. By mission's end, NOAA can warn everyone in the hurricane's path. (Below is a satellite image of Hurricane Mitch back in October 1998. The Hurricane Hunters flew into the eye of Mitch just as this Category 5 hurricane with winds of 155 mph smacked right into Central America.)

What is coastal beach erosion?
Coastal beach erosion is the wearing away of land, the removal of beach or dune sediments by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, or drainage. Waves are generated by storms, wind, or hurricanes and can cause coastal erosion. This may take the form of long-term losses of sediment and rocks, or merely the temporary redistribution of coastal sediments.

Know the Lingo
TROPICAL STORM WATCH - Tropical Storm conditions with sustained winds from 39 -74 mph are possible in your area within the next 36 hours.
TROPICAL STORM WARNING - Tropical Storm conditions are expected in your area within the next 24 hours.

HURRICANE WATCH - Hurricane conditions with sustained winds of 74 mph or greater are possible in your area within the next 36 hours. This WATCH should trigger your family's disaster plan, and protective measures should be initiated. Especially, those actions that require extra time such as securing a boat and leaving a barrier island.

HURRICANE WARNING - Hurricane conditions are expected in your area within 24 hours. Once this WARNING has been issued, your family should be in the process of completing protective actions and deciding the safest location to be during the storm.

COASTAL FLOOD WATCH - The possibility exists for the inundation of land areas along the coast within the next 12 to 36 hours.

COASTAL FLOOD WARNING - Land areas along the coast are expected to become, or have become, inundated by sea water above the typical tide action.

SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY - A small craft advisory is a type of warning issued by the National Weather Service, most frequently in coastal areas. It is issued when winds have reached, or are expected to reach within 12 hours, a speed marginally less than that which is considered gale force, usually 25-38 mph.

Hurricane Stages
Tropical Wave A low pressure trough moving generally westward with the trade winds.
Tropical Disturbance An organized area of thunderstorms that usually forms in the tropics. Typically, they maintain their identity for 24 hours and are accompanied by heavy rains and gusty winds.
Tropical Cyclone A generic term for any organized low pressure that develops over tropical and sometimes sub-tropical waters. Tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes are all example of tropical cyclones.
Tropical Depression An organized area of low pressure in which sustained winds are 38 mph or less.
Tropical Storm A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained wind speeds that range from 39 to 73 mph.
Hurricane A tropical cyclone with sustained winds of at least 74 mph.

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
Category Winds (MPH) Pressure (Millibars) Pressure (Inches) Storm Surge
(Feet) Damage
1 74-95 <980 <28.94 4'-5' Minimal
2 96-110 979-965 28.91-28.50 6'-8' Moderate
3 111-130 964-945 28.47-27.91 9'-12' Extensive
4 131-155 944-920 27.88-27.17 13'-18' Extreme
5 >155 <920 <27.17 >18' Catastrophic

Hurricane Safety Tips
BEFORE A HURRICANE: Have a disaster plan and a pet plan ready. Before a storm threatens, contact your veterinarian or local humane society for information on preparing your pets for an emergency. Board up windows and bring in outdoor objects that could blow away. Make sure you know which county or parish you live in and know where all the evacuation routes are.
Prepare a disaster supplies kit for your home and car. Include a first aid kit, canned food and a can opener, bottled water, battery-operated radio, flashlight, protective clothing and written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water. Have a NOAA weather radio handy with plenty of batteries, so you can listen to storm advisories. Have some cash handy as well, because following a hurricane, banks and ATMs may be temporarily closed. Make sure your car is filled with gasoline.

DURING A HURRICANE: Stay away from low-lying and flood prone areas. Always stay indoors during a hurricane, because strong winds will blow things around. Leave mobile homes and to go to a shelter. If your home isn’t on higher ground, go to a shelter. If emergency managers say to evacuate, then do so immediately.
AFTER A HURRICANE: Stay indoors until it is safe to come out. Check for injured or trapped people, without putting yourself in danger. Watch out for flooding which can happen after a hurricane. Do not attempt to drive in flooding water. Stay away from standing water. It may be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines. Don’t drink tap water until officials say its safe to do so.

Info from as well as Evacuation Tips and Hurricane Supply Checklist can be found at this site

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Freebies

Enter to win a gold makeup bag. Just leave a comment about this blog and a way to contact you.

Wilton iPad 2 Sweepstakes
for the chance to win an iPad 2 and Wilton 2012 Yearbook ideas.
. Visit for all the information and to enter to win.

NBC Connecticut is giving away TONS of prizes! Prizes include iPad 2s, MacBook Pros, Red Sox tickets & much more! I get 2 Extra Entries if YOU enter too! Click Here!{%22sid%22%3A%222qxya%22}

Win a Ford Fusion by testing Scott's paper products. Go to

Win a no contract Smartphone at

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Celebrity Wednesday--Best Kept Beauty Secrets of Raquel Welch

Raquel Welch: Aging Beautifully at 71
Check out our celebs on

Raquel works out six days a week. She likes yoga, cardio exercise and weight training and spends two hours exercising each session!

Welch strictly diets and follows a healthy eating regimen. She believes in a high protein, low carb diet. Her healhy foods include whole grains, very lean protein and organic fruits and vegetables. She is very health and diet conscious. She eats the recommended daily servings of fruit and veggies, and drinks alot of water too.

She has no problem with plastic surgery however she believes that plastic surgery alone is not what makes a women look amazing. In particular, no amount of surgery can replace the importance of a healthy diet and regular consistent exercise.

Welch admits to using all sorts of zany beauty products as part of her maintenance ritual. She really does use Frownies these patches worn at night to stop wrinkles around the eyes from forming. She employs every trick in the book and works to maintain her sex symbol status.

Staying beautiful takes alot of time of her day. She readily admits both in interviews and her book Beyond the Cleavage that she puts alot of hard work into maintaining her sex symbol looks. She has been a health, fitness and makeup fanatic for years.

Raquel is a spokesmodel for MAC cosmetics, Foster Grand eyewear, and her signature Raquel Welch wig line. She has also authored several books on health and beauty topics.

Raquel admits to wearing wigs and hair pieces regularly in order to make her hair appear thick and luscious. In her celebrity photos you can often see the telltale signs of a front lace hairpiece. A front lace piece involves glueing a strip of lace to the front hair line and pulling pieces through. Sometimes you can see the the lace hair piece exposed if the hair is not combed over it carefully. The hair piece makes the hairline look much thicker and stronger than it actually is.

Welch loves wigs and readily admits to wearing them herself. Not only that, she markets and sells wigs using her name. With the advenced new technology of synthetic materials, she is a true fan of synthetic hair wigs, pieces, and extensions. Synthetic wigs can look as good if not better than wigs made from natural human hair.

Giveaways Again

Wilton iPad 2 Sweepstakes for the chance to win an iPad 2 and Wilton 2012 Yearbook ideas.
. Visit for all the information and to enter to win.
NBC Connecticut is giving away TONS of prizes! Prizes include iPad 2s, MacBook Pros, Red Sox tickets & much more! I get 2 Extra Entries if YOU enter too! Click Here!{%22sid%22%3A%222qxya%22}

Win a Ford Fusion by testing Scott's paper products. Go to

Win a no contract Smartphone at

Or enter to win a gold makeup bag. Just leave a comment about this blog and a way to contact you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's Tax Free Week In Connecticut

Need some basics or additions to your Fall Wardrobe. Don't forget TAX FREE WEEK in Connecticut. Other states hold this annual event, but from what I could see, most states have already held theirs at the beginning of August.

Have some fun and save some money!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

What's Your Denim Style

I have never been a fan of denim jackets until recently. A friend had the most gorgeous little bolero denim jacket with a subtle design that framed the front. I never did find out where the jacket came from, but it did pique my interest and I have since become a convert. I adore the look with a simple cotton dress on a chilly evening. A denim jacket is one of those need to have wardrobe staples. Throw it on over a crisp white blouse and your favorite jeans and you can go almost anywhere. Dress it up or down. Which is your favorite?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fun Friday--What Can You Do With Your Microwave?

Yahoo had wonderful ideas on how to use the microwave for more than heating a cup of tea. Sooo, I am passing these ideas along. Enjoy!!

1. Disinfect and Deodorize Sponges
Don't throw out the kitchen sponge that smells like last night's salmon. Soak it in water spiked with white vinegar or lemon juice, then heat it on high for 1 minute. (Use an oven mitt to remove it.) This will also disinfect any sponges you used to wipe up the juices from a raw chicken.

2. Cook an Entire Dinner in Under 10 Minutes
Not just the TV variety. We mean braised salmon with green beans and mashed potatoes. Use the microwave for any recipe that calls for braising, poaching, or steaming. Just subtract about three-quarters of the cooking time. Remember to stir liquids often to redistribute the heat, and always take the food out a minute or two before it's completely done, since it will continue to cook.

3. Disinfect Plastic Cutting Boards
Wash the board well, rub it with the cut side of a lemon, then heat for 1 minute.

4. Soften Brown Sugar
Keep the sugar in its plastic packaging, add a few drops of water, and heat on medium for 10 to 20 seconds.

5. Decrystalize Honey
Honey that has solidified can be brought back to liquid life by uncovering the jar and heating on medium power for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

6. Proof Yeast Doughs

Yeast doughs that normally take an hour or more to rise at room temperature can be proofed in the microwave in about 15 minutes. Place the dough in a very large bowl and cover with plastic. Place an 8-ounce cup of water in the back of the microwave with the bowl of dough in the center, and set the power as low as possible (10 percent power). Heat for 3 minutes, then let the dough rest in the microwave for 3 minutes. Heat for 3 minutes longer, then let rest for 6 minutes. The dough will double in bulk.

7. Heat up Health Aids
You use a microwave to reheat your coffee, so why not use it to heat and reheat gel packs for headaches? (Don't do this with a metal-wrapped pack.)

8. Warm Beauty Products
Warming up a hot-oil conditioning pack for your hair takes about 10 to 20 seconds and feels marvelous, as does briefly heating up a moisturizing facial mask. (Stir the mask and test the temperature with your finger before applying to your face.) And if hot wax hardens when you're only halfway up your calf, reheat it in the microwave. It's much less messy than using a double boiler.

9. Roast Garlic
It takes 45 minutes to roast garlic in the oven but less than 8 in the microwave. Slice off the top of the head to reveal all the cloves. Place the head in a small, deep dish, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with 2 tablespoons of good olive oil. Spoon 2 tablespoons of water into the bottom of the dish, cover it with plastic wrap, and cook at medium power for 7 to 7½ minutes. Let stand for a few minutes before unwrapping.

10. Get More Juice From Citrus Fruits

A lemon or lime taken straight from the refrigerator is harder to juice than one left at room temperature or warmed slightly. To get the most juice, microwave citrus fruits for 20 seconds before squeezing.

11. Toast Bread Crumbs, and Coconut
The microwave toasts them in a quarter of the time it takes in a conventional oven. Spread them out on a plate and heat on high for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring every minute. Keep in mind that they will continue to toast for about a minute after removal.

12. Warm Tortillas
Wrap tortillas in a damp paper towel. Microwave on high (power level 10) for 40 seconds to 1 minute.

13. Toast Pine Nuts and Sliced Almonds
Spread nuts on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high (power level 10) in 1-minute intervals, tossing in between, until beginning to turn golden, 4 to 5 minutes.

14. Make Applesauce

In a microwave-safe bowl, combine 1 pound peeled and diced apples (Macintosh, Fuji, or Gala are best) with ¼ cup water, 2 teaspoons sugar, and ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon. Cover and microwave on high (power level 10) until the apples are tender, 8 to 10 minutes. Mash with a fork or potato masher.

15. Make Homemade Popcorn
Place ½ cup popcorn kernels in a large microwave-safe bowl with 1 tablespoon olive or canola oil. Cover with a microwave-safe plate and microwave on high (power level 10) until the majority of the kernels have popped, 3 to 5 minutes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Thursday--test your luck!

Oreck vacuum--
Hate to clean--maybe a new vacuum would help (sorry, it doesn't come with a maid) could win you an Oreck Platinum Pilot Professional Series vac

How about an Outdoor Kitchen free code STEA11. Enter every day to wiht a $15,000 outdoor kitchen from Lowes

New Tires from Goodyear paired with Goodyear to give a lucky winner one set of 4 Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max tires and $100 for installation.

How about a $2500 Weber grill Ends August 20th

Rewards from Coke

You and a friend--$20,000 48 hours in Toronto

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Celebrity Wednesday-- Julie Christie 70 years young

Julie Christie's fantastic hairstyle--great for any age
Section out a one-inch piece of hair. Mist it from roots to ends with styling spray, then place a large hot roller at the bottom, roll it up to roots and clip in place. Repeat all over, and let the rollers cool for about 10 minutes. Lightly coat your hands with a shine serum, remove clips, then rake your fingers through the curls to loosen them up. To prevent frizz and maintain shape, spritz with a light hairspray.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do You Have the Frizzies?

I am constantly fighting with my hair in this humid weather.
My hair tends to be dry and many of the products I try seem to dry it further.

One new product I have had success with is Avon Advanced Techniques Super Straight Smoothing Balm. It seems to keep my hair fairly smooth for almost two days. It also isn't drying. My hair is fine and often appears thin, because of the texture. I color it about twice a year. In researching this product, I just found that Avon has discontinued the product. What a shame. I received it as a gift and it seems to work better than anything I have found

I hope Avon brings it back.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Free Stuff Thursday

Here are a few free sites and Giveaways you might like to play with.

Get a free tote

Sign up for JCPenney emails to receive special offers and coupons.

or Check out this Website--most of them are in the Miami area

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Celebrity Wednesday--It's Martha Stewart

Well--we all know of Martha and enjoy her home ideas--well, here are some of the beauty ideas that have kept her young!!

1. SKIN CARE: Skin care is vital, and my routine includes a thorough cleansing every morning and night. Toners, enriching day and night creams, and serums keep my skin elastic and supple and glowing. Sunblocks, balms and skin healers are also necessary as preventive treatments.

2. GYM: My home gym is furnished with aerobic machines, weights and Cybex machines, and has a lovely view of the farm, a television so I can watch the news while running on the treadmill, and yoga equipment. The importance of aerobic exercise cannot be overemphasized. Aerobics keep weight down and stamina up.

3. MORNING JUICE: Every morning I drink about 8 ounces of what I call “green juice.” I use a juicer to make a blend of spinach, celery, cucumber, carrot and some fruit - pear, apple, pomegranate, plum, peach, a bit of orange peel and a small piece of ginger. The more of these ingredients that come from my organic garden, the better. I actually feel a jolt of energy when I imbibe these drinks.

4. CALENDAR: An organized calendar with every meeting, trip and appointment carefully listed and timed enables me to accomplish a lot each day. Each appointment is listed with phone numbers of all the principals. Addresses include cross streets so no time is wasted in finding a location.

5. WALKING: My favorite outdoor activity has always been hiking or walking. Good footwear, good socks and a jacket with pockets (for water and a cell phone) are crucial items of clothing.

6. EXERCISE: Weights are all-important for bone health and body toning, and yoga is essential for calming the mind and strengthening the body’s core. I love weights for arms and shoulders, and my Pilates ring for strengthening thighs, arms and chest. A yoga block, a ring and a yoga strap come with me wherever I go, so I can at least get a bit of a workout when I’m on the road.

7. WATER: I have three offices in addition to my home office. Alongside every one of my computers I keep a pitcher of mineral water infused with lemon, lime, orange, or cucumber and mint. I find that I drink more if the pitcher is there as a reminder.

8. HAIR CARE: Because I have my hair styled so often, I wash it almost every day. I use a variety of shampoos and conditioners to keep my hair from becoming dry or brittle. Sometimes I visit my colorist for a glossing, which seems to infuse my hair with a new vitality.

9. DAILY MAINTENANCE: Skin care is not the only daily routine one must adhere to. An electric toothbrush is essential for gum care and shiny white teeth, along with a good dental-care program (twice a year cleanings and checkups). Mouthwash and salt-water gargles are also helpful in keeping colds and sore throats from developing. Feet, hands, arms and legs should also be cared for.

10. RELAXATION: I do try to find some time, perhaps not every day but as often as possible, to curl up with a new book - often downloaded onto my Kindle - or to watch a movie. A great cup of tea or even a homemade cappuccino (one shot of espresso only) is an added perk and pleasure.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Travel Tuesdays--Route 66

Some of my favorite memories involve my travels. It is refreshing to get away. It gives you a new perspective on life and an appreciation of your life. One of my favorite trips was from Chicago to Colorado including Route 66.
As the song by Bobby Troup goes:

If you ever plan to motor west
Travel my way, the highway that's the best.
Get your kicks on Route 66!

U.S. Route 66 (also known as the Will Rogers Highway after the humorist, and colloquially known as the "Main Street of America" or the "Mother Road") was a highway within the U.S. Highway System. One of the original U.S. highways, Route 66 was established on November 11, 1926 -- with road signs erected the following year.[1] The highway, which became one of the most famous roads in America, originally ran from Chicago, Illinois, through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California,

Route 66 served as a major path for those who migrated west, especially during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and it supported the economies of the communities through which the road passed. People doing business along the route became prosperous due to the growing popularity of the highway, and those same people later fought to keep the highway alive in the face of the growing threat of being bypassed by the new Interstate Highway System

In the 1950s, Route 66 became the main highway for vacationers heading to Los Angeles. The road passed through the Painted Desert and near the Grand Canyon. Meteor Crater in Arizona was another popular stop. This sharp increase in tourism in turn gave rise to a burgeoning trade in all manner of roadside attractions, including teepee-shaped motels, frozen custard stands, Indian curio shops, and reptile farms. Meramec Caverns near St. Louis began advertising on barns, billing itself as the "Jesse James hideout". The Big Texan advertised a free 72 ounces (2.0 kg) steak dinner to anyone who could consume the entire meal in one hour. It also marked the birth of the fast-food industry: Red's Giant Hamburg in Springfield, Missouri, site of the first drive-through restaurant, and the first McDonald's in San Bernardino, California. Changes like these to the landscape further cemented 66's reputation as a near-perfect microcosm of the culture of America, now linked by the automobile.

New and faster routes caused the decline of Route 66. However, In 1999 the National Route 66 Preservation Bill was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, which provided for $10 million in matching fund grants for preserving and restoring the historic features along the route.[16]

Modern-day sign in New Mexico, along a section of Route 66 named a National Scenic Byway
In 2008, the World Monuments Fund added Route 66 to the 1998 World Monuments Watch. Sites along the route, such as gas stations, motels, cafes, trading posts, and drive-in movie theaters are threatened by development in urban areas, and by abandonment and decay in rural areas. The Fund, aided by financial services company American Express, helped the National Park Service develop the Route 66 Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary.[17] As the popularity and mythical stature of Route 66 has continued to grow, demands have begun to mount to improve signage, return Route 66 to road atlases and revive its status as a continuous routing.
Route 66 has also been a fixture in popular culture. The crux of the story in Disney's 2006 animated film Cars revolves around the decline of the fictional Radiator Springs, a once-booming ghost town that fell into the doldrums when its mother road, Route 66, was bypassed by the Interstate. Pixar's creative director John Lasseter was inspired by what he saw after he took a cross-country road trip with his family in 2000, particularly on the segments of Route 66 he visited. After arriving home, he contacted road historian Michael Wallis, who led the creative team down the still-drivable parts of the route as research for the film. The movie's subsequent success led to a resurgence of interest in Route 66 among the general public.

(from wikipedia)

My son, who was about 18 when we traversed this Route fell in love with the nostalgia. It has a feel that you are taken back to a calmer, nicer era. Some of our highlights can be seen at

Get out there and enjoy!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The White Blouse

In this economy where every penny counts, one of the best ways to spend your wardrobe dollars is on basics. And, what is more basic that a versatile white blouse.

Even though a basic blouse, it can be used to create quite a variety of looks. It can be dressed up or down, worn with women's business attire or casual work clothes. Wear it as a career blouse with a suit or traditionally with pants or a skirt.
traditionally with skirt or pant suits.

There are many ways to wear your collar. Pull it up over a jacket or throw a colorful scarf around it. Fold it flat over a jacket or sweater. Fold the collar under the jacket hardly showing. This conveys a more casual feel. If you show up to a meeting and realize you are too formally dressed you can quickly pull the blouse collar down and fold it under the jacket.

Women wear plain white blouses with jeans and boots and the look is really sharp. Notice the one pictured above has a tailored ruffle cuff for a more feminine look with jeans. Casual, but still well dressed. If you want to show some midriff you can leave the last few buttons undone and tie the blouse in a knot. You can also wear it with a lace top or camisole in a contrasting color, and let the blouse hang loose and unbuttoned. And for a little romance, the poet sleeves make one feel like dancing.

Almost any fashion outlet will carry at least a few white blouses. A good white blouse can range from $20 on up and will carry you through many moods and looks.

Let your imagination be your guide--have fun, buy several sleeve lengths for year round versatility.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun Friday--ahhh, lemons--how i do love thee!

Lemon juice is one of the strongest acids in our kitchen--so instead of buying harsh cleansers, try lemon first

Ever come in from gardening and just can’t get the grime off your hands. Rub a lemon on them. It will not only remove the stains but whiten your fingernails as well.

And now that your hands are picture perfect, how about cleaning, aargh. Shine the interior of copper cookware. Sprinkle a lemon wedge with salt, then scrub.

How about those food stains like tomato sauce that get into plastic and wooden cutting boards. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon onto the soiled surface and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with water. Voila—clean again.

How about those tea stains on your best tablecloth. Use equal portions of lemon juice and water and apply with an eyedropper or a qtip. Rinse with cold water.

Tired of browned fruit that you cut and take to work. Sprinkle lemon on apple or pear or guacamole and you will eliminate this.

How about all those products you buy to whiten your teeth. Take lemon juice and mix with baking soda and you have an inexpensive way to achieve the same result.
½ tsp turmeric, 2 tsp lemon juice and 3 tsp of mashed papaya. Apply avoiding your eyes and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off and enjoy.

These are only a few of many uses for the lovely lemon. Let your imagination be your guide--have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Celebrity Wednesday--Beauty Secrets of Lauren Hutton

Lauren Hutton shows us what it is to age gracefully. At 67, she sports wrinkles proudly. Here are a few tips--we should all be so ageless!!

Lauren Hutton Makeup Lessons

In a Ladies Home Journal interview, Hutton recommends using an eye shadow color two shades darker than your natural skin color. Make sure to fill in sparse eyebrows and complete the ends of your brows with a natural brow pencil.

Instead of using a super heavy foundation, Hutton recommends the use of a concealer followed by a sheer foundation application for a more natural look that still dimishes flaws. Use a natural looking lip tint that won’t bleed and feather into lip wrinkles.

Hutton has her own brand of oil blotting papers called Good Stuff Suck Ups. They help cut shininess and slickness for a nice matte finish.

Lauren Hutton Aqua Mineral & Face Disc

Hutton now sells her own branded make up through the Home Shopping Network, HSN. She has a water mineral make up called Aqua Elements. Also, she sells the Face Disc which is a tray of natural colored face makeup designed for the mature woman.

Saving money on Cosmetics Brands

Here are a few of Hutton’s money saving tips. Hutton likes Bobbi Brown eyeshadow or Jane for less money. She likes Maybelline Smooth Results concealer for an inexpensive flaw cover. Physicians Formula Pearls of Perfection face tint gives a light foundation coverage for less. Try a Chanel Brow pencil or Ramy Miracle Brow for slighly less. Smith’s Rosebud Salve is a favorite lip balm, reasonably priced.

Lauern Hutton Fashion Advice

At seventy and modeling for JCrew Hutton knows a thing or two about fashion. She goes for a laid back sensible look. A little bit of messiness gives you a casual sexiness says Hutton. For timeless beauty develop your own personal and unique style through trial and error.

Lauren Hutton on Personal Style

This beauty quote of Hutton’s fashion sense has been circulated around the web “It’s better to look as if you’ve just thrown something on rather than prissed everything up. I like when things are slighly off-kilter, asymmetrical and a little messed up.”


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do It Yourself Manicure

I love to go to the professionals, partly because you feel so pampered. A manicure and pedicure often comes with a relaxing massage. But, it's not always practical because of time or finances. Here are some do it yourself tips.

1. Make sure your nails are clean and dry. Clip to your favorite length and file with an emery board using long, smooth strokes in all one direction so you don't encourage your nails to split.

2. If your nails are rough, you can choose to use a buffing block in a side to side motion. Be careful because too much of this can weaken your nails as well.

3. Soften your cuticles with cuticle oil. Push back gently and clean with an orange stick. You can trim hangnails with cuticle scissors and moisturize cuticles with your favorite hand cream.

4 Clean away all cream and oils with polish remover. Now is the time for your base coat. This is especially important for strong colors. How many of us have applied a bright color only to find when we remove it our nails are stained. Let dry for a minute.

5. Using three strokes, go for the polish. One down the middle and one on either side. These should be thin coats. Repeat and fix mistakes with a special correction stick or a cotton wrapped orange stick dipped in polish remover.

6. Finish with top coat

7. Let nails dry for at least 15 minutes. Chips can result if you hurry the process with fast drying spray.

8. To maintain add a topcoat every other day.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Help--Do I Have to Buy a Whole New Outfit as a Wedding Guest?

What to Wear to a Wedding

A recent reader asked--I have a long black skirt and jacket that I wore for my daughter's wedding. Can I wear black to a wedding and how can I make it less "mother of the bride like."

Well, black is so versatile, you can go in any direction. It is no longer a faux pas to wear black to a wedding. Even the wedding party wears it. Pair the skirt with a dressy top, fun shoes, purse and jewelry and you are set to go. Outfit can be found at Nordstrom online