Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wow--Celebrity Wednesday with Tina Turner

Tina at 70 has kept her weight remarkably stable by not eating after 6 pm and drinking lots of water and exercising by dancing. "I'm an American size 10, which I think in the UK is 14 - that has remained constant."

"I don't abuse myself with sweets, sugars, cakes and fat. I eat healthily. The pleasure of life is dinner."

"I eat a breakfast of banana, kiwi and melon, and brown German bread. I only have two meals a day because I sleep for a very long time." Of course, a consistent exercise program works wonders such as "walking 10 miles up and down stairs at home."

Her mental attitude is young and thats what keeps her that way. "Women should be proud of who they are at any stage in their lives. If you look good and can still do it, then do it.

Common sense rules:

(1) Cut out sugar where you can. Don't ban treats completely but stick to a few squares of quality dark chocolate after dinner.

( 2) Plump for protein power: Eat more fish, chicken, nuts and pulses. Research shows that proteins such as these will keep you feeling fuller for longer than carbs.

(3) Eat more good fats: The essential Omega-3 fats in oily fish such as mackerel and salmon protect your heart and boost the condition of your skin and hair. Aim for two servings a week.

( 4) Fill up on fibre. Replace white, high GI carbs (bread, rice, pasta) with low GI wholemeal or brown versions where possible.

(5) Reduce your alcohol intake but you can allow yourself a small glass of red wine with dinner.

Here's some common sense ideas . . .

Banana smoothie plus two oatcakes and peanut butter Grilled mushrooms and large tomato on granary toast Porridge made with semi-skimmed milk and blueberries Fruit salad with low-fat yoghurt and handful of chopped nuts Poached egg on granary toast


Jacket potato with cottage cheese and spring onions - no butter Chicken with salsa, mixed canned beans and salad in a wholemeal wrap Sardines on granary toast Chunky vegetable soup with granary roll Tuna salad with a boiled egg and olive oil dressing


Grilled lamb cutlets with baked sweet potato and steamed veg Lean grilled steak with mixed bean salad and steamed asparagus Grilled chicken with oven roasted vegetables and lemon cous cous Salmon with soy sauce and stir-fried vegetables Lean mince chilli con carne served with whole grain rice


An apple Two plums 10 red grapes Celery and carrot sticks with houmous Glass of purple grape juice Handful of almonds Two oatcakes with peanut butter Small low-fat yoghurt pot

Be your own private dancer!

As Tina proves, dancing is a fabulous way to keep those legs looking luscious. Not only does it burn 400-600 calories per hour, it won't bulk you up like some workouts, which is why a typical dancer's body includes long, lean legs. Pick your favourite style, from salsa to rock 'n' roll, and get moving. For great results, you really need to dance for 45-60 minutes, three times a week.

Brush it off

Body brushing is the best cellulite-buster for dimplefree thighs. It sloughs away dead skin cells and gets your circulation pumping.

Brush every morning in the shower. Try Body Shop Round Body Brush, £7.

Ditch salt

Too much salt is bad for your legs, as it causes water retention, leaving pins feeling heavy and sluggish.

Cutting down will decrease excess fluid and reduce swollen ankles.

Fake it

Self-tan will make legs appear instantly slimmer and more shapely. Try Ambre Solaire No Streaks Bronzer Self-Tan Body Wipes, £2.34 from

Get well-heeled

Very high heels can make the muscles in your calf and thigh tense up and look bulky, so opt for a medium two to three-inch heel to subtly elongate legs.

Be the best - whatever your age

The main reason Tina can still pull off those microminis is because she has the confidence to try. Here's how to do the same...

Be brave: Dress for your style and shape first and your age second. Just because you're no longer 20, if you've great legs or upper arms you shouldn't hide them.

Command a room when you walk into it. Hold your head up. Make eye contact with everyone there. Wear an easy smile and walk calmly, slowly and with purpose.

Update your wardrobe: Wearing old trends will age you, so keep up with the latest fashion by buying at least one key piece each season that suits your style and your body shape.

Fight gravity: Everything drops as we age, so fake your way back to your 18-year-old body with the latest control underwear that lifts, holds and tucks things into their original place. Debenhams has a great range.

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