Sunday, June 26, 2011

Add 20 Years to Your Life

Here’s some ways to do it.

Canada’s McMaster University showed that 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day such as walking or biking prevents premature aging. Exercise increases blood circulation sending more oxygen to your cells which prevents mutation and disease. (10 to 20 years)

Dodge stress
–Chronic stress will leave damages to your body vulnerable to disease. Dodge it by reminding yourself of the value you bring to your job and keep photos of loved ones around to keep mind boosting hormones elevated. If you really want to live longer, then you can start with your attitude. Your way of thinking can not only impact the quality of your life, but also how long you actually live. In 2002, researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found that optimistic people decreased their risk of early death by 50 percent compared with those who leaned more towards pessimism. (2 years-stress, 7 to 8 years sunny outlook) Smile even when you don’t feel like it and you add 7 years by releasing a happy brain chemical.

Thwart heart disease with a cocktail. Not only wine, but women who drank one serving or less a day of an alcoholic beverage were 25% less likely to get heart disease. That’s because components in alcohol lower your LDL cholesterol and raise the HDL. Olive oil contains an ingredient that keeps LDL from clumping. (5 to 7 years)

Eat corn, garlic, dark chocolate and raw veggies. Corn or other whole grains daily contain fiber which helps deter disease and infection and lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and a protein causing inflammation. Garlic contains allicin that raises your immunity. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and reduces inflammation and lowers blood pressure (1 year)
Raw veggies add 2 years to your life by increasing antioxidents. (15 to 20 years)

Now go out there and follow your dreams

1 comment:

  1. Hey, great info--I love your blog--keep it coming
