Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Ahhh, I get home from work and am full of thoughts about what’s important at sixty. This is partly a blog about beauty at a bargain, but also to talk about how sixty feels. Of course, sixty is the new forty, so everyone says. I don’t remember having insomnia at forty, however.
One of the things we all seem to have in common is sleep, or lack of it. I seem to have an abundance of energy, especially at three in the morning. It’s when the mind seems to remind you of everything you need to remember tomorrow and everything you forgot to do today. I visit my thirty-something son for dinner and am full of vim, vigor and vitality while he is yawning away, ready for a good nights sleep. According to Women’s World, “Research proves women who get a good night’s sleep are slimmer, happier, have better memories and a lower risk of serious disease—yet more than 48% of us struggle with insomnia!!”(March 28, 2011). One of my most common phrases to my friends is. . . . “You should have called me, I was up as well.”
So what can we do. My best fix is to put on a happy movie and proceed to fall asleep. A little green tea often helps, and the biggest help is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise, preferably walking outside, a day. For some reason, the treadmill or inside exercise just isn’t the same thing. And exercising too close to bedtime seems to rev the body up. Of course, dieting can interfere with your sleep as well. Going to bed hungry, is a good way to have a restless night. Cortisol levels increase spiking blood sugar and zap, you are awake and ready to go. A carb rich snack will often take the edge off. Or maybe you have aches and pains you don’t even notice. Take care of them, and your sleep will be peaceful. It may be as simple as a more comfy pair of PJ’s or an extra blanket on your bed.
How about soaking your feet or sniffing frankincense. Whatever your solution, Sweet Dreams!!

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