Friday, May 20, 2011

Fun Friday--Coffee Grounds anyone?

Disguise scratches on wood
Dip qtip in damp coffee grounds and cover scratched area. Tannin dye will conceal the mark. Let dry and wipe off, reapply if needed

Cellulite anyone?
Combine l cup coffee grounds with q/2 cup olive or baby oil and rub cellulite for 2 minutes. Shower and rinse. Evidentally, the caffeine will dehydrate the fat cells, reducing the bubbly look for up to 12 hours. Repeat once a week.

Blooming grounds anyone?

Work into dirt around acid loving plants. Repeat once a week. Because of the nitrogen, grounds will lower acidity and deter slugs and snails.

Brighten brunette hair
Steep 1/4 cup grounds in 3 cups hot watter. When cool pour liquid over clean wet hair. The hair will shine and keep its color.

Get rid of musty smells
Fill the foot of old pantyhose with dry grounds. Tie off and leave in cup holder (protected by paper towel) overnight. Moisture, and bacteria will be banished.

For more ideas check out May's First.

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