Monday, April 11, 2011

Wisdom from the Heart

While researching today, I came upon some sage advice for aging gracefully which I thought would be fun to share. Enjoy!!

Aging is something that kind of sneaks up on you. One moment you are 30 and all of a sudden you’re 65. How did that happen?

Barbara Stanwyck had a line in a movie,

I am a young woman trapped in an old woman’s body. I still feel young on the inside.

Aging gracefully means accepting the changes in your outward appearance and focusing on others instead of yourself.

Advice for younger women… tell the people in your life how much you love them and do it often. Don’t take life for granted. Count your blessings and thank God for them. Stay close to your family and embrace your time together.

I have learned to take my problems to God and leave them there.

I have learned to laugh at myself and not take things too seriously. If I am having a bad hair day, it is OK. I am thankful to have hair.

My Sister went through chemo last year and lost her beautiful hair.

I have been blessed with good health and a loving family. That has helped me stay positive about life. When you have somebody who loves you and you can depend on when trouble comes, life is good.

Heartaches and stresses are easier now because of my life experiences.

My son Jeff is my hero! At the age of six he almost died due to an accidental gunshot wound. I have watched him try so hard to do the everyday tasks most people take for granted. He overcame his accident and through determination lives everyday trying to do his best. I am thankful for his positive attitude.

I have lost some very special people in my life and I have prayed for peace to accept the loss and thank God for having brought them into my life. The memories are written on my heart.

The things that make me happy: My Grandchildren

Everything is new and exciting to them. They are learning about the birds, colors, songs and Elmo. When you look at the world through their eyes, everything becomes new again.

My attitude and love for life:

I have decided to enjoy my life while I am still on this earth. I have known people who give up their joy for living because they reach 60, 70 or older. They start believing they are OLD and stop enjoying life.

I try to have a good attitude because it makes me nicer and people don’t want to be around a grumpy old person.

Your Dad has brought me great happiness. He makes me laugh and feel younger than my age. In our hearts we are still young. We enjoy going to church and worshiping God.

The secret to aging gracefully is to help others and enjoy your life today.

Paul said,” In whatever state I am in there to be content.”

Aging gracefully is a journey. I don’t know how long it will last or if the details will be remembered, but I hope to enjoy the trip.

Thanks for posting this

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